- Asaf Albo, MSc 2004 “Novel guest/host nanocomposites: conjugated polymer/layered compounds”
- Eyal Aharon, MSc 2004 “Hybrid photovoltaic devices”
- Ekaterina Dovgolevsky, PhD 2007 “Conjugated polymer/mesoporous silica guest/host nanocomposites for electronic applications”
- Eyal Aharon, PhD 2008 “Semiconducting polymer/layered compound guest/host nanocomposites for optoelectronic applications”
- Saar Kirmayer, PhD 2008 “The self-organization mechanism of semiconducting polymer/mesoporous silica guest/host nanocomposites”
- Ella Sinai, MSc 2009 “Controlling energy transfer in Semiconducting polymer/layered compound guest/host nanocomposites”
- Shany Neyshtadt, PhD 2010 “Exciton dissociation at organic/inorganic interfaces”
- Zahi Shachar, MSc, 2011 “Opto-electronic properties of conjugated polymer layered nanocomposites”
- Basila Kattouf, PhD 2012 “Proton-based electrochromic devices”
- Avigail Keller, PhD 2012 “Confined templating of mesoscopic metal oxides”
- Tamar Segal Perets, PhD 2013, “Photo-current generation in hybrid photovoltaic devices”
- Oded Nahor, MSc 2013 “Charge transfer in hybrid photovoltaic devices”
- Igal Deckman, PhD 2014, “Understanding and controlling metal/organic interfaces in OPVs”
- Lotem Bochbinder, MSc 2014, “Hybrid electrochromic materials”
- Moshe Moshonov, PhD 2016, “Self-Assembled Organic Molecules as Metal Oxide Templates for Hybrid Photovoltaics”
- Stas Obuchovsky, PhD 2018, “Atomic Layer Deposition of Metal Oxides Inside Organic Semi-conductor Films”
- Yelizabetha Nouzman, MSc 2018, “Interlayers at the Organic/Metal Interface in Organic Devices”
- Basel Shamieh, PhD 2019, “Tuning the Work Function of Non-Reactive Metal Electrodes for Organic Solar Cells“
- Sarkar Tanmoy, PhD 2020, “Self-Segregated Interlayer in Organic-Field Effect Transistors“
- Levitsky Artem, PhD 2021, “Using Small Molecule Infiltration to Directly Map the Morphology of Molecular Organic Photovoltaic Films“
- Frankenstein Shefa Hadar, PhD 2021, “Atomic Layer Deposition for Fabrication and Characterization of Organic Electronic Devices“
- Sarkar Tanmoy, PhD 2022, “Self-Segregated Interlayer in Organic-Field Effect Transistors“
- Vinokur Evgenya, PhD 2022, “Tailoring the Organic/Metal Interface by Spontaneous Additive Migration“
- Nahor Oded, PhD 2023, “Revealing the Morphology of Thin Film Organic Blends using Vapor Phase Infiltration“